Senator Faulkner's Question to Justice Minister and Australian Federal Police Commissioner
Extracted from Senate Notice Paper no. 97
Spring 2003

Notice given 11 September 2003

*2020 Senator Faulkner: To ask the Minister for Justice and Customs-With reference to the answer to question no. 130 taken on notice by the department during the May 2003 Budget estimates hearings of the Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee:

(1) In relation to an answer by Commissioner Keelty, of the Australian Federal Police (AFP), during the estimates hearings (Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee Hansard, 27 May 2003, p. 307) about a 'report made available' to Federal Agent Leigh Dixon's 'reporting group' concerning the 13 June 2001 inter-agency people smuggling meeting in the Australian Embassy in Jakarta: Was a report, either oral or written, received by Federal Agent Leigh Dixon's reporting group; if so: (a) when did this occur; (b) who was made aware of this report; (c) was the report oral or written.

(2) (a) If the report was oral, were any notes and/or minutes taken by anyone involved in the discussion or discussions he had; and (b) if the report was a written, can a copy be provided by the AFP.

(3) In relation to the meeting held on 1 August 2002 with Federal Agent Dixon and other AFP members to discuss Marian Wilkinson's questions about the 13 June 2001 meeting: (a) which AFP members were present; (b) who initiated this meeting; (c) where was it held; and (d) were notes or minutes taken; if so, can a copy of these notes and/or minutes be provided; (e) who prepared and cleared the meeting summary; (f) for whom was this summary brief prepared; and (g) apart from Commissioner Keelty, who else saw the summary of this meeting, and can a copy be provided.

*2021 Senator Faulkner: To ask the Minister for Justice and Customs-With reference to the answer to question no. 131 taken on notice by the department during the May 2003 Budget estimates hearings of the Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee:

(1) Who briefed the Minister on 19 August 2002 and 26 September 2002 about Marian Wilkinson's questions.

(2) Who initiated the briefing.

(3) Was the briefing oral or in writing.

(4) If it was an oral briefing: (a) who briefed the Minister; (b) who else was present; (c) were minutes and/or notes taken; if so, can a copy of minutes and/or notes be provided; and (d) what action, if any, did the Minister take after he was provided with the two briefings in August and September 2002.

(5) If it was a written briefing: (a) who prepared the brief; (b) who cleared the brief; (c) apart from the Minister, who else saw the brief; and (d) what action, if any, did the Minister take after he was provided with the two briefings in August and September 2002.

*2022 Senator Faulkner: To ask the Minister for Justice and Customs-With reference to the answer to question no. 132 taken on notice by the department during the May 2003 Budget estimates hearings of the Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee:

(1) During his visit to Indonesia on 17 September 2001, did Commissioner Keelty of the Australian Federal Police discuss with the Indonesian National Police (INP) the cancellation of the protocol.

(2) What reason or reasons did the INP give for the cancellation of the protocol.

*2023 Senator Faulkner: To ask the Minister for Justice and Customs-With reference to the answer to question no. 135 taken on notice by the department during the May 2003 Budget estimates hearings of the Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee:

(1) (a) What information was provided to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) as a result of the telephone interview with a SIEVX survivor on 22 October 2001; and (b) what did the AFP do with the information they received.

(2) Can the AFP confirm whether the interview on 23 October 2001 with two SIEVX survivors conducted by the Indonesian National Police (INP) and observed by two AFP members is the same interview that is outlined in Dark Victory, by David Marr and Marian Wilkinson, 2003, p.237-238 and an SBS Radio report The Five Mysteries of SIEVX, SBS Radio/Arabic Program, by Ghassan Nakhoul, 28 August 2002; (b) which AFP members were present at the interview on 23 October 2001; (c) for how long was the interview conducted; (d) what did the AFP do with the information obtained from the interview; (e) was a transcript made; and (f) was it the INP or the AFP which provided the 20 odd photographs to the survivors; if the AFP: (i) which agency supplied the photographs, (ii) how were they taken, and (iii) what did they depict.

*2024 Senator Faulkner: To ask the Minister for Justice and Customs-With reference to the answer to a question taken on notice by the department during the May 2003 Budget estimates hearings of the Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee: Is the Australian Federal Police aware of tracking devices having been placed on people smuggling vessels in the period 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.

*2025 Senator Faulkner: To ask the Minister for Justice and Customs-With reference to the answer to question no. 127 taken on notice by the department during the May 2003 Budget estimates hearings of the Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee: What did Federal Agent Dixon's 'gathering of information relevant to people smuggling activities' in Indonesia involve.

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