(Question No. 3407)

Senator Milne (Tasmania) asked the Minister representing the Minister for Defence, upon notice, on 17 July 2007:

(1) In regard to the answer to question W56 taken on notice during the 2006-07 additional estimates hearings of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee, can answers be provided to paragraphs (f) and (g), regarding the department’s knowledge of the rescue position of Suspected Illegal Entry Vessel X (SIEV X), given that the response referred to information being publicly available and that this was apparently in regard to paragraphs (a) to (e), relating to the activities of Operation Relex.

(2) Was the department, or any of its agencies, informed that the location of the rescue of SIEV X survivors was reported to be 07 40 00S / 105 09 00E; if so: (a) by whom was this information provided; (b) on what date; and (c) can copies be provided of any file notes and other documents relating to the provision of this information to the department or agency.

(3) Was the department or any of its agencies informed of an Indonesian Police report dated 24 October 2001 which included the location of the rescue of SIEV X survivors; if so: (a) by whom was this information provided; (b) on what date; and (c) can copies be provided of any file notes and other documents relating to the provision of this information to the department or agency.

(4) Did any Defence personnel stationed at the Jakarta post view pages of any Indonesian report, by Indonesian National Police, or otherwise, dated 24 October 2001 which contained the rescue coordinates for SIEV X; if so: (a) which personnel; and (b) on what date.

(5) Did any Defence personnel stationed at the Jakarta post view pages of a Harbourmaster’s report dated 22 October 2001, which was submitted as an attachment to the answer to question no. 113 taken on notice by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) during the 2007-08 Budget estimates of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee; if so: (a) which personnel; and (b) on what date.

(6) In regard to the Indonesian Jakarta Harbourmaster’s report dated 22 October 2001, did the department, or any other government agency, attempt to locate Mr Majid, the Captain of the Arta Kencana 38, mentioned in the report as the captain of the vessel that brought 44 of the 45 survivors to Jakarta on 22 October 2001; if not, why not, given that the information the captain could provide on the rescue position could have been used to estimate the probable area of sinking; if so, can details be provided of the officials involved, what actions were undertaken and the dates these actions occurred.

(7) Given that the answer to question no. 138 taken on notice by the AFP during the 2003-04 supplementary budget estimates of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee indicated that ‘RAN personnel were making enquiries with the harbourmaster in Jakarta to ascertain a name of the vessel [SIEV X]’: (a) on what date did Royal Australian Navy (RAN) personnel make contact with the Jakarta Harbourmaster; and (b) as a consequence of these enquiries, did the RAN ascertain the name of the vessel and the location at which SIEV X survivors were rescued.

(8) What was the earliest date that any Defence official heard, by any means, that the location of the rescue of SIEV X survivors was reported to be 07 40 00S / 105 09 00E.

Senator Ellison (Western Australia—Minister for Human Services)—The Minister for Defence has provided the following answer to the honourable senator’s question:

Please refer to the answer to question W56 taken on notice during the 2006-2007 Additional Estimates hearings of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee. The answer was tabled with the Committee on 8 May 2007.


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